
FernUniversität in Hagen

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Under the NRW-Foundation Law of 1 December 1974 the “pioneers” from academia and administration had only ten months for preparing the new university, so that 1,300 students could embark on their studies from winter semester 1975/76. The two academic


FernUniversität’s four faculties offer a wide range of study programmes from which you can choose internationally recognised degree programmes, leading to Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. Special further education programmes are designed to promote your professional qualifications. Akademiestudien (academic further education with individual schedules) are available without restrictions on admission, providing individual further education “on demand”.


Unlike any other state-maintained university, the FernUniversität – owing to its working students - is able to transfer scientific know-how directly, and as quickly as possible, to practical application in the companies.

Student services

  • Center for Media - Among social media refers to a variety of digital media and technologies that enable users to interact with each other and individually -media content or to make in community ( user generated content ) . Facilitating social interaction and collaboration in social networks is becoming increasingly important and converts media monologues ( one to many ) into social media dialogues ( many to many)

Housing services

  • Distance learning is also interesting for foreign students because of the special mode of study . No matter where you live, the study material comes in the mail or via the Internet to you . To study at the open university no entry visa is issued .

Library services

  • New to the FernUni and the first homework is to ... ? The University Library ( UB ) has compiled information for all freshmen and " information seekers " .
  • If you are interested in eBooks , electronic journals and databases , you should take a look at our expert flyer .

Hagen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


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