
Stony Brook Medicine

Stony Brook Medicine delivers world-class, compassionate care to our patients, advances our understanding of the origins of human health and disease, and educates the healthcare professionals and biomedical investigators of the future, so they can bring the fruits of scientific discovery to our patients.

Top reasons to study here

  • A world-class institution, recognized for outstanding, compassionate patient care, biomedical research, and healthcare education.
  • The first choice of patients for their care and the care of their families.
  • One of the top-ranked institutions for scientific research and training.

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Six professional schools comprise the Schools in the Health Sciences. With a current enrollment of over 3,000, students are offered a broad spectrum of challenging academics to meet their educational and professional goals.


For our researchers, yesterday’s answers simply aren’t good enough. We are dedicated to not only finding the answers, but sometimes changing the questions.

Medicine never stands still. And the place where it progresses fastest is at an academic medical center. We are often able to offer new treatments and protocols to patients more quickly, thanks to our close collaboration between clinical care teams and some of the country’s brightest minds in research. Ideas pioneered by our researchers are changing the answers and improving outcomes for patients on a daily basis.


Stony Brook Medicine, Long Island’s premier academic medical center, is about making a real difference in our patients’ lives. We do so by starting with the best ideas, then hiring the best people to transform these ideas into the best in patient care. 

Medical services

Our staff of physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers, health educators, laboratory technologists, and technical and administrative staff are dedicated to our mission of providing students with quality, cost-effective medical care, and the services necessary to optimize preventative health and wellness.


The Department of Radiation Oncology is accredited by the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO).

The Stony Brook Vascular Center has demonstrated its commitment to patient safety by gaining accreditation from the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF).

Stony Brook, New York, United States

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