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University of Skövde

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Ever since the inception in 1977 we have aimed for excellence. Every decision, every achievement has emerged from a focus on creating excellent and well known educations and research specializations that make a difference to reality.


The University of Skövde has educations in several different areas. We have about 60 programs to choose from. We also offer a variety of separate courses.


During 2013, all research and co-production at the University of Skövde were evaluated by international experts, and the results have been published in a report, ARC13. The research performed at the University of Skövde is deemed as being of high quality in this international comparison.

The overall aim of the evaluation, known as ARC13 (Assessment of Research and Co-production 2013), is to develop the research fields at the universities involved. Five panels of international experts in research and co-production have assessed the research areas at the University of Skövde based on seven criteria.


Student and career counselling

  • Helps students to see opportunities, regardless of conditions
  • Helps students to get through the entire process - from presumptive student to alumnus
  • Raises students' awareness of the processes going on in/outside them

Housing services

If you would like to apply for accommodation at any of our four accommodation areas, please fill out and submit the form in connection with your application to the University.We will handle your application for accommodation when you are admitted to the University of Skövde. This means that we will not consider your application unless we have received all your documents.Due to a shortage of accommodation, you must be prepared to accept a room within 30 minutes distance and that we cannot guarantee your first choice.

Library services

The library is primarily open for students and staff at the University of Skövde, however it is also open for the public. In order to borrow books and request interlibrary loans you need a library card.

ICT services

In the library there are a number of computers for public use. Four of them are reserved for searching the library catalogue. There are also two computer labs, Bib202 and Bib203. The computer labs are available during the library's opening hours. There are 9 computers in each lab and seats for work in pairs. However, sometimes Bib202 is booked for library instruction.

Campus life

The University of Skövde campus is in one location, close to Skövde city centre and many student halls of residence. There are many advantages to a single, unified campus, most notably the possibility of a closer relationship between students, as well as between students and staff. Our campus features everything you need as a student: lecture halls, reading rooms, the university library, computer rooms and restaurants.

The campus has a large green central area with an 18-meter high bell tower, which is a natural meeting place for students during the summer months

Student clubs

As a student at the University of Skövde it is beneficial to also be a member of the Student Union. By being a member with us, you get the strength of an entire organisation at your back, to help you with the issues that are important to you.

Skövde, Västra Götaland, Sweden

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