Everything you need to know about studying Health Sciences

part of Medicine & Health

Health Sciences is the study of improving healthcare systems and policies with knowledge from STEM disciplines: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. In other words, Health Sciences looks at the latest discoveries in these areas and tries to apply them for medical purposes. The results are more efficient healthcare institutions, improved reliability of medical devices and systems, well-implemented emergency plans, and so on.

A typical Health Sciences curriculum includes subjects like Healthcare Ethics, Health Informatics, Healthcare Policy, Health IT and Innovations, Health Service Management, Health Service Quality, Health Promotion, Leadership, Health Communication, Health Administration, Financing Healthcare Services, etc.

Health Sciences is a broad discipline. This is why not all programmes have the same academic goals. Certain degrees focus more on Nutrition Sciences, others on Exercise Sciences, and the list of examples can go on. What students need to know is that Health Sciences is the ideal choice if they want to make a difference in healthcare provision at the administration or policy level.

Some healthcare professionals work in laboratories, investigating diseases or discovering new treatments, while others work in direct contact with patients in clinical care. Health Sciences graduates can practice in public hospitals, private clinics, schools, community health services and governmental agencies. Career prospects include work as nurses, physician assistants, physiotherapists, pharmacists, health educators, health inspectors, social workers and freelancers in alternative therapies.

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