- Founded 1791
- Fifth oldest university in New England (after Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth and Brown)
- First institution of higher education to declare public support for freedom of religion
- First university to admit women and African-Americans into Phi Beta Kappa honor society
- Called UVM for Universitas Viridis Montis, Latin for "University of the Green Mountains"
The University of Vermont is home to nearly 1,200 full-time faculty scholars. From biomedical research to philosophy, from Big Data analysis to musical composition, our faculty members engage daily in the pursuit of meaningful and impactful research, scholarship and the creative arts. Our goal remains to translate what we learn or discover at the university into innovations that benefit all facets of society.
Student services
- Undergraduates enrolled from 48 states
- 4.2% of undergraduates are international students
- 44 student veterans
- Over 200 student clubs and organizations, including a nationally recognized debate team and a student-run newspaper, radio station, TV station, rescue squad, legal services and many more academic, artistic, musical, cultural, ethnic, political, and religious clubs; 30 service clubs promoting health, literacy, and/or justice
- 56 club sports, some engaged in intercollegiate competition, and around 20 intramural teams
- On-campus students live in 41 residence halls and have access to over a dozen dining facilities
- 40+ theme-based housing offerings where 30% of students reside
Medical services
Student Health Services (SHS) offers basic medical treatment for students. You can see medical professionals such as a doctor, nurse or nutritionist. SHS offers preventative care to help you stay healthy. It also offers care when you are sick. SHS should be your first stop for routine care.
The University of Vermont is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE; formerly the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, NEASC).