
British Study Centres

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British Study Centres is an award-winning school of English that offers General English, Business English, and exam preparation courses, programmes for young learners and teacher training courses. British Study Centres is committed to providing the very best environment for learning English.


The Company's origins date back to the 1930's when it was founded by the Cleaver family. In the early days British Study Centres (BSC) concentrated on correspondence courses and as such was a precursor to the Open University which grew up in the 1960's.


Today, BSC specialises in the delivery of high quality English language training to adults and young learners, teacher training courses for UK and overseas teachers and University Pathway programmes in partnership with NCUK; a consortium of leading UK universities.


BSC has been at the forefront of providing teacher training courses since 2003 catering to the needs of UK and overseas teachers. Clients not only include individuals, but also international private schools, universities and Ministries of Education. The courses include Cambridge Assessment qualifications, part of the University of Cambridge.

Housing services

BSC has a thriving Young Learners division with Easter and Summer residential programmes in the UK's top boarding schools including Cheltenham Ladies' College, Corpus Christi College Oxford and King's University College London.

Library services

Most of our study seats can now be used on a walk-in basis by current students. This means that you will not need to book ahead of using them.

The Arts and Social Sciences Library is now open 24/7.Please be aware that library staff are only available until 8pm and entrance is by Ucard only after midnight.

Campus life

BSC has seven year-round language schools in some of the UK's most prestigious cities – London, Oxford, Edinburgh, Brighton, York and Manchester – and will shortly be adding an eighth, in the Irish capital, Dublin. BSC Worldwide opened its first overseas franchise school in the city of Oran, Algeria. The Group now operates three overseas schools – in Algeria, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan, and has a teaching partnership in Hong Kong delivering the Cambridge online CELTA. BSC Worldwide has ambitious plans to expand its network of schools and international partnerships.

Sports facilities

BSC operates the highly-renowned City Football Schools at the home of Manchester City, in the heart of the Etihad Campus.


  • Accredited by the British Council
  • Accredited by Eaquals
  • Member of English UK

London, England, United Kingdom

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