
Howest University of Applied Sciences

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Established in 1849, the Howest University of Applied Sciences as we know it today, is a result of the merger of six prominent institutions of higher education in Flanders in 1995, when it became a single autonomous institution. Since then, the development within Howest has taken on a fresh impetus and we are now one of the leading providers of higher education in the region.


We offer 26 Bachelor programmes and 12 associate degrees and many postgraduate certificate programmes, all with a strong practical focus, in the areas of business, management, industrial sciences & technology, digital design, architecture, healthcare, education and social sciences. 

We constantly develop our course offer in English in order to position Howest as an attractive academic choice for students from abroad. Field-driven assignments, on-the-job training and internships are key components of each programme. 

That is how we meet the changing needs of today’s society and arm our students with future-proof skills.


Howest University of Applied Sciences has a long history of collaboration with both large, international corporations and local SME’s. Almost all of our research projects are demand-driven or developed in close collaboration with our business and industrial partners.. Our research and innovation labs have a clear focus on applied research. They are organised around top-notch research teams. Howest’s labs bring innovation to life, using the principles of quadruple helix innovation in which government, academia, industry and citizens collaborate to leverage structural changes. 


At Howest University of Applied Sciences you acquire future-proof skills that will guarantee you job security. The demand for the internship placements for our students in the Cybersecurity, Digital Arts and Entertainment and Digital Design and Development programmes is higher actually than the number of students. Most of the students get a job offer immediately after their internship.

Student services

Howest students may contact STUVO, Student Support Services, on about the following topics: financial aide, student accommodation, self-care: and counselling, student jobs, and organizing student activities. For students with special circumstances (e.g. disability family or work needs, etc.), we provide extra support, such as: use of special software, adaptations (facilities) for those who need it, intensive support for students with special needs, wheelchair accessible student rooms .

Housing services

Howest’s Student Services (Stuvo) helps our international students find suitable accommodation. We have housing possibilities in our own student residence or via the private market. A student room in Bruges will typically cost between €250 and €400 per month; a studio flat between €400 and €600. A student room in Kortrijk will generally cost between €270 and €470 per month.

Library services

  • 1 PC’s with network connection
  • +/- 8.000 books
  • +/- 300.000 e-books
  • +/- 100 serials
  •  5 newspapers
  • Wi-Fi
Interesting databases giving access to English-language information:
  • Academic Search Ultimate (16.000 journals full-text)
  • Business Source Ultimate (7.000 journals full-text)
  • ScienceDirect (4.300 journals full-text)

ICT services

Internet is available everywhere on campus. Students should bring their own laptops to classes. Laptops can be purchased via Howest, as part of a group purchase program with an external company. There are a few advantages to this (such as having a replacement laptop if yours needs repair), but it is by no means obligatory. 

Medical services

Medical services can be found off campus. The compulsory annual health insurance (via a mutual fund) costs for a student costs around €100 per year. Note: this insurance provides refunds for the majority of consultation costs, as well as covering the major share of basic hospital costs. In general, up to 75% of your medical expenses will be reimbursed by your health insurance company. 

Campus life

Our five campuses are located in the historical cities of Bruges and Kortrijk in Belgium. You have all the facilities you need in these compact cities, and you can easily reach all of them by bike. Moreover, within a few of hours by train or car you can be in Paris, London, Amsterdam, Cologne or Luxembourg.

Sports facilities

Depending on the campus where you are studying (Kortrijk or Bruges) you have a wide variety of choices for keeping fit and having fun. In Bruges with s Stuvo sports sticker you have free access to a large offering of sports activities in the evening, including fitness, swimming, Zumba, bowling, ice skating and Archery Tag. In Kortrijk the sport options are offered in collaboration with the city of Kortrijk and its Kortrijk Student City department.With a SportPlus card you can enjoy a wide variety affordable sport options.

Student clubs

Howest has many different student associations that compete to make student life varied and as pleasant as possible by organissing lots of activities: sports, culture, cantus events, day trips, parties, etc.


Howest is a member of Ghent University Association and is fully accredited by NVAO, the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organisation.

Kortrijk, Flanders, Belgium

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