University of the People

University of the People

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University of the People (UoPeople) believes that access to higher education is a key ingredient in the promotion of world peace and global economic development. It views higher education as a basic right, and believes that it can both transform the lives of individuals and be an important force for societal change.  

Top reasons to study here

  • University of the People is accessible anywhere a computer and Internet connection exists.
  • The mission of University of the People is to offer affordable, quality, online, degree-granting educational programs to any qualified student.
  • Focus on competencies and skills required for success in the global economy.

Distance Learning Courses

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UoPeople is based on the belief that education at a minimal cost is a basic right for all qualified applicants, not just for a privileged few. The University works to open the gates of higher education to qualified students anywhere in the world by offering its programs through distance learning and by making this opportunity affordable. 


Every student is required to conduct research in their academic careers at one point or another. A good research paper not only requires a great deal of time, but it also requires complex skills. Research skills include the ability to organize, evaluate, locate, and extract relevant information. 


University of the People’s Career Service Center offers career guidance and advising for professional discovery and success during, as well as following, the completion of a UoPeople degree. The University of the People Career Service Center offers students’ comprehensive, expert guidance as well as tools to improve vital professional skills pertinent to the business world, including:

  • Resume building and cover letter writing
  • Job searching skills
  • Interviewing techniques
  • Professional networking skills
  • Career planning in the area of one’s major (i.e. business, computer science)
The Career Service Center is accessible to students throughout the course of their studies, as well as after they become graduates. 

Student services

The Office of Student Services is designed to assist students throughout their studies with personal attention and tools to successfully complete their degree programs. Student services provides students with both administrative and academic guidance including: university policies and procedures, course registration, as well as all other general information related to the student and university to enhance student experiences. Via our online Student Portal, students are able to access all student records, forms and transcripts, graduation deadlines and logistics, referrals to other offices along with the UoPeople Student Handbook. 

Library services

University of the People Library and Resource Center (ULRC) provides students and faculty access to various collections of quality academic resources and services to support the University’s academic programs. Students and faculty have access to subscriptions via Library and Information Resources Network, a collection of over 60 million proprietary resources. 

Student clubs

The Office of Student Services provides a unique addition to traditional online universities, as gain a feeling of support and guidance as well as organization while smoothly and successfully completing their online degree and beyond. Students are also connected with a personal Program Advisor at the commencement of their studies, who will remain with them until graduation. The student's personal Program Advisor acts as his/her support system throughout their studies. The personal Program Advisor will be happy to answer any questions the student may have, offer academic advice and offer encouragement throughout the student's studies. 


  • University of the People is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission.
  • The Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a recognized accrediting agency.
  • The Distance Education Accrediting Commission is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). 

Pasadena, California, United States

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