Université Côte d'Azur has been an experimental university since 1 January 2020, replacing both the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis and the Communauté d'Universités et d'Etablissements Université Côte d'Azur. It won the prestigious Initiative d'Excellence (IDEX) label awarded by an international jury in 2016 and is a founding member of the European alliance Ulysseus.
In 2018, with a view to preparing young generations for the professions of the future and providing solutions for the challenges we face, Université Côte d’Azur developed a series of international MSc programs. These programs of excellence supported by IDEX UCAJedi are fully taught in English by leading academics and practitioners and are built around regional objectives and prestigious international partnerships. These State-accredited MSc degree courses welcome students from more than 110 countries around the world, and are managed by a dedicated team, the MSc International Office (MIO).
Université Côte d'Azur, a world-class, research-intensive, multidisciplinary university, was awarded the prestigious ‘Initiatives of Excellence’ certification label, which highlights the quality of its research and ensures that it has a high visibility international profile.
The university's research strategy aims to create synergies between the research teams in order to explore new interdisciplinary areas while maintaining its level of excellence in academic fields. It is part of a coherent and ambitious site policy jointly developed with other players in the research, higher education and the socio-economic world.Career
Upon completion of one of our MSc degrees students can follow a career in a wide range of positions relating to their field of study, both in France and internationally. Our MSc programs equip students with various hard and soft skills and prepare them to enter the job market or pursue a PhD/research position.
Student services
The International MSc programs are managed by the MSc International Office (MIO). This office is dedicated to helping and supporting International MSc students with their move to France and their academic and administrative needs, as well as to promote student integration and well-being. In addition, each MSc program has its own coordinator who is in constant contact with the students throughout their study journey to offer help and guidance as needed.
Housing services
There are several university residences (CROUS) in Nice and the area, although places for international students are limited due to high demand. However, many other accommodation options exist, for example in private student residencies, private rentals and house-sharing. The MSc International Office can offer guidance to students on finding accommodation in France.
Library services
The university has several libraries, located on the various campuses. Students can access all libraries freely and have access to an online library as well. Dedicated library staff are available to help students with their library search.
ICT services
Most of the university services are now digital and students have access to their own digital environment work space where they can access information, download official documents, access apps and software and more. In addition, the International MSc programs make intensive use of the digital learning platform Moodle to follow course instruction and access educational material.
Medical services
The university has a student Health Centre which provides many services, including preventive medicine consultations, study arrangements for students with disabilities, social services and psychological support consultations.
International students are covered by the French Health system and the MSc International Office can provide guidance on the necessary administrative procedures.
Campus life
The International MSc programs take place on various campuses in Nice, Sophia Antipolis, Grasse and Cannes. The campuses aim to be exciting, vibrant places where students feels welcome and can thrive. They provide rich and diversified cultural, sports and voluntary activities throughout the year.
For more information see: https://univ-cotedazur.eu/msc-programs/my-campus
Sports facilities
The university has several sports centres on various campuses, managed by UCA Sport. The centres offer a variety of sporting activities including water, indoor and outdoor sports, bodybuilding, classes, team sports and more! UCA Sport also organise special events throughout the year such as ski trips, hiking days and diving courses. A ‘Sport Bonus’ exist to reward students carrying out regular sport activities, which is added to your semester grade.
Student clubs
The university has many student associations and clubs to join, and students can also create their own association if they like! There are also many volunteering activities students can participate in, for which they can receive a bonus which is added to their semester grade.
* Initiative d'Excellence (IDEX) label (obtained in 2016)
* HRS4R label for Human Resources and Research Policy