Life began for Southern Connecticut State University on September 11, 1893, when three teachers and 84 students met at the old Skinner School in New Haven to create a two-year teacher training school, New Haven State Normal School. By 1937, Southern had grown into a four-year college with the power to grant bachelor's degrees.
- College of Arts and Sciences
- School of Business
- College of Education
- School of Graduate and Professional Studies
- College of Health and Human Services
In pursuing our vision and fulfilling our mission, the Division of Research and Innovation values:
- Academic excellence
- Ethical and accountable conduct
- Academic integrity and regulatory compliance
- A diverse and inclusive community of people, ideas and research initiatives
- Expect degree programs that prepare you for a career and for life. Close working relationships with faculty, and a staff that strives to support and promote student success. Expect to be more connected. More inspired. Expect more from a Southern education – it will help you be more than you ever imagined.
- We offer a comprehensive array of services both at the center and online, delivered by a friendly and knowledgeable staff. Each student receives a customized experience by working with the staff to address his or her individual needs. Whether you are meeting with a career counselor or visiting us on our website, the staff is available to assist you with all aspects of your career journey.
Housing services
9 residence halls on campus:
- Brownell Hall
- Chase Hall
- Farnham Hall
- Hickerson Hall
- Neff Hall
- North Campus Residence Complex
- Schwartz Hall
- West Campus Residence Complex
- Wilkinson Hall
- North Campus Townhouses
Room and board rates include heat, electricity, water, Internet connection, cable television, microfridge combination unit, access to common room lounges featuring recreation equipment, and much more. On-site laundry is also available to you at minimal cost. Sleep in and save money on car expenses!
Library services
600,000+ Buley Library's collection of print and media volumes, electronic books, and periodical journals
Medical services
- You don't have to leave campus for healthcare -- our services are available right here, at no out-of-pocket cost to you.
- Student Heath Services provides students with medical care of acute injury and illness, laboratory and diagnostic services, medications and medical supplies, and safe sex assistance and contraception, as well as a number of wellness support services, such as smoking cessation.
Campus life
Our campus is located two miles from downtown New Haven. Southern's campus is full of energy, and living on campus puts you at the center of it all -- footsteps away from events, sports games, our theater, academic buildings, the student center, campus dining, and so much more.
Sports facilities
- Basketball
- Cross country
- Field hockey
- Gymnastics
- Lacrosse
- Soccer
- Softball
- Swimming and diving
- Track and field (indoor and outdoor)
- Volleyball
- Baseball
- Football
Student clubs
- Active Minds
- Black Student Union
- Southern’s Future Teachers Organization
- National Student Nurses Association
- Habitat for Humanity
- Organization for Latin American Students
- FACE Models
- Italianissimi
- Blue Crew
- Crescent Players
- Symphonic Dance Pulse Company
- Math Club
- Student Government Association
- Pre-Health Society
Southern Connecticut State University is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (formerly the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc.).