
Elmira College

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Founded in 1855, Elmira was the first college for women with a course of study equal in rigor to the best men's colleges. “Female seminaries” as they were called at the time, were essentially glorified high schools. In contrast, from its very inception, Elmira College offered rigorous academic programs. 


Becoming coeducational in 1969, today Elmira has an undergraduate enrollment of approximately 800 full-time, mostly residential students. The College also offers advanced certificates, master degree programs, and non-credit courses for professional development.


Reporting directly to the President, the Vice President for Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment works with all offices and constituencies at the College to advance decision and policy-making in areas such as admissions, budget allocation, human resources, information technology, and retention. Responsibilities include identification and analysis of patterns in institutional data, working collaboratively with IT and other VPs to develop and maintain processes to ensure institutional data integrity for budget and planning purposes, ensuring that federal and state reporting requirements are completed in a timely manner, and Title IX and ADA compliance.  


The Office of Career Services offers a variety of resources to assist students in the career exploration and development process. 

Housing services

All first year students begin their Residence Life experience by completing a survey regarding their housing preferences. The survey includes questions about how you study, whether you’re an early or late riser, how neat you are, and many more. 

These questions help the professional staff in Residence Life house you with a roommate who seems like the best fit. Once you receive your housing placement you will notice that it is in one of two buildings: Anderson Hall or Columbia Hall. Descriptions of these specific halls can be found in the Residence Hall Section of the website. All of these buildings have double rooms, which contain desks, dressers, closets or wardrobes, and twin-sized beds

Library services

In compliance with New York State Governor Cuomo's stay-at-home executive order due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Gannett-Tripp Library will be closed until further notice. Library staff will be available for research assistance online.

ICT services

In support of Elmira College's Mission, the Information Technology Department provides both the strategic IT vision and the infrastructure, resources, and services that support and enhance teaching and learning, research, residential living, and administration.


Medical services

The Center houses the Nurse Education program and expanded education and programming that recognizes both the demand for more nurses and health care professionals and the new, complex roles they will inhabit in the evolving world of contemporary healthcare.

Campus life

Acres of brick walkways, fountains, iris gardens, and Collegiate Gothic buildings make this one of the nation's finest college campuses. The Philadelphia Inquirer described EC as the "picture-postcard perfect" campus. Elmira College people are even better.

It is a setting that fosters the engagement of our bright and community-minded students. Our students are curious and creative, open to the wide range of opportunities available at EC. Visit us and feel it for yourself.

Sports facilities

Elmira College has an array of top-notch facilities for EC’s athletic teams.  Several of these facilities are located on the Elmira College campus while several others are in off-campus locations.  For more information on each of Elmira’s home venues, please click on the following links:

  • Campus Field 
  • Speidel Gymnasium 
  • Murray Athletic Center
  • Eldridge Park Stadium
  • Dunn Field

Student clubs

Students are welcome to join any of the more than 70 clubs or organizations at any time during the academic year. There will be an Activities Fair held during Term I, which offers the opportunity to meet current club members and gain information about joining.

With organizations ranging from our nationally recognized Enactus, to an academic or leadership honor society, to the Campus Activities Board - there is something for everyone at Elmira College.

At Elmira, if you do not see a club that fits your interests, you can work with the Office of Student Life to create your own.


Once a decade, an evaluation team visits every college and university in the Middle States region to evaluate its performance based on 14 Standards of Excellence established to ensure that students are being well served and experiencing the higher education they have a right to expect. Elmira College, 0, once-a-decade turn was in April of 2016. 

Elmira, New York, United States

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