
Claremont School of Theology

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The school traces its history to 1885 with the founding of the Maclay College of Theology in San Fernando, California. In 1900, Maclay College moved to the campus of the then Methodist-affiliated University of Southern California in Los Angeles. In 1956, the School withdrew from the University and became an independent corporation.


Claremont School of Theology offers graduate degrees that focus on ministerial and theological education in the Christian tradition. The degrees are suited for students seeking formation and education as ministers, lay leaders, educators, counselors, activists, and scholars in primarily Christian contexts.


Career Services, in the Office of Student and Community Life, provides resources and support to students on their vocational journeys. Resources include information and skill-building to assist current students in finding meaningful positions appropriate to their training and professional goals after graduation. The Office offers workshops and guidance for the job search to those seeking employment.

Housing services

A number of housing options are available to CST students and their families, including on-campus apartments and a number of privately owned complexes in the immediate areas.

Housing priority is offered to full-time (9-units) students who are actively enrolled at Claremont School of Theology or Bayan Claremont.

Library services

The CST Library has three main sites through which we provide informational resources and assistance:

  •  LibGuides is CST Library’s home site and scholarly communication platform
  • Ask a Librarian is CST Library’s online Reference service, providing answers to FAQ, tutorials, and descriptions of library policies and programs.
  • WorldCat Discovery is CST Library’s catalog and discovery service. 

Campus life

The CST campus provides space and time to talk, eat, pray, and play together and support one other. 

Student clubs

The Office of Student and Community Life, with input from the Committee on Community Life, oversees the budget process for student organizations on campus so that students have funding for activities. There is always a lot to do!

  • Arts Council
  • Pacific Islanders Student Association (PISA)
  • Claremont Sports Association
  • Korean Student Association (KSA)
  • CSTBayan Seekers Collaborative
  • Korean Women Association (KWA)
  • Interreligious Committee
  • Pan African Seminarians Association (PASA)
  • Sexuality and Gender Collaborative
  • Student Council


Claremont School of Theology is fully accredited by both the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and The Commission on Accrediting of The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS).

Claremont, California, United States

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