
Torrens University Australia

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Torrens University Australia is Australia’s international university and vocational registered training organisation, built on the shoulders of giants. We have partnered with prestigious schools and colleges, to develop a fresh, modern, global perspective for higher education.

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Torrens University Australia was founded in 2013 through partnership with some of Australia’s most renowned education providers who share a purpose-driven and passionate approach to teaching, in order to create courses that are designed to place passionate people in careers they love.


  • It offer high-quality vocational and higher education undergraduate, graduate, higher degree by research and specialised degree programs in a wide range of academic disciplines, delivering our programs online and on our campuses. We have two campuses in Sydney, two in Melbourne, one in Adelaide, two in Brisbane, one in the Blue Mountains, one in Auckland and one in China.
  • CRICOS Provider Code: 03389E  


  • Torrens University's research strategy optimises the collective expertise of our researchers in response to issues locally and globally. Our Strategic plan will build our research excellence as we gain momentum of research achieved in our short history as one of Australia's youngest universities.
  • Torrens University's distinction is guided by our vision as the University of the future, Industry's University and being a standout Global University. Our researchers work together on challenges to develop applied and innovative outcomes through four major University wide research themes. 


  • Torrens University is Australia’s leading international university, built on the shoulders of giants. With a rich heritage, our prestigious industry-focused colleges have launched thousands of successful careers.

Student services

  • At Torrens University Australia, we take your needs seriously. Whether you require academic guidance or social support, we’re here to help from enrolment right through to graduation.
  • We strive to be inclusive and socially aware and have systems and services in place to support your studies and wellbeing.

Housing services

International students can choose from a range of different types of accommodation to suit your needs and provide the ideal study-life balance. Our international student advisors can help you decide what student housing is right for you.

Library services

The Library is your gateway to access the resources you need to support your learning. Be it, books, eBooks, journal articles, videos or websites, you can find them all through the Library website. And, if you're not sure how to access these, we offer weekly workshops to teach you how to search and find the books and articles you need for your assessments.

Medical services

We are committed to providing healthy learning and work environments for all. To do this, we bring staff and students together to take part in various initiatives that support the health and wellbeing of our community.

Campus life

  • Ultimo campus - Our Ultimo campus is housed in a trendy converted warehouse, close to transport, shops and entertainment. It’s home to our Design and Creative Technology school, and is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and spaces for you to study and socialise in.
  • Surry Hills campus - Our new Surry Hills campus is on Foveaux Street, in the centre of one of Sydney’s most creative and lively areas and is our hub for Health, Business and Hospitality.
  • Flinders Street campus - Our Flinders Street campus is in the heart of Melbourne’s most fashionable and trendiest area. This campus offers courses in Business, Design and Creative Technology, Hospitality, Health and Nursing.

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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