
VU Graduate Winter School

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Distance Learning Courses


VU stands for Vrije Universiteit, which translates literally as Free University. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam was the first university in the Netherlands established in 1880 by Abraham Kuyper, with no interference from the church or the state. This heritage is still very much part of who they are.


VU Graduate Winter School offers a variety of research-intensive and multidisciplinary courses from research analysis and academic skills to trending hot topics. 

Student services

To get to know your fellow students and the city of Amsterdam, VU offers optional social activities that are highly recommended. During the arrival day, VU offers Airport to Accommodation Shuttle Service from Schiphol Airport.

Housing services

The International Office offers accommodation to VU Graduate Winter School participants. The number of rooms available is limited, but the International Office will do its utmost best to find suitable accommodation for everyone.

Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

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