
University of Maribor

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The beginnings of higher education in Maribor date back to the 19th century, when in 1859 bishop Anton Martin Slomšek moved the seat of the Lavantine diocese from St. Andraž in Lavantal (Austrian Carinthia) to Maribor and soon afterwards established a Slovenian seminary. 


University of Maribor is the second largest Slovene university and has seventeen faculties (Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of Energy Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Faculty of Logistics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Tourism, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law).


UM's mission in the field of research and development, innovation and art is to acquire, preserve and spread knowledge through the formation of interdisciplinary research teams able to produce outstanding scientific and artistic achievements, manage research and art projects, participate in international networks and centres of excellence, thus enabling the active participation of students in R&D and artistic endeavours, contributing to the development of society, addressing global challenges and encouraging economic development of the region and the wider environment.


The Career Centre of the University of Maribor organizes various events, such as lectures, seminars, workshops, roundtable discussions, meetings, as well as the Career Market career fair, where students and graduates are given the opportunity to meet various employers and partake in speed interviews. Students can also benefit from employer presentations at faculties and visit environments and undertakings they may work at in the future.

Housing services

Student Dormitories of the University of Maribor have 2867 beds in different 15 facilities at five different locations: Gosposvetska, Tyrševa, Lent, Smetanova and Gorkega - Quadro. They offer 633 single and 1117 double rooms with shared bathrooms and kitchens in traditional dorms as well as apartments. Rooms are equipped with new furniture, internet access and cable TV. 

Sports facilities

Students may use other facilities, such as study rooms and the cyber classrooms. Students of music and art pedagogy have separate rooms, designed for their needs. The dormitories offer free internet access, laundry rooms, sports facilities (including fitness centres, outdoor playing fields, gyms, table tennis rooms, indoor swimming pools etc.), study and multimedia rooms and facilities for extra-curricular activities.


On December 4th, 2012, University of Maribor applied for institutional re-accreditation to the National Agency of the RS for Quality in Higher Education (Slov. abbr. NAKVIS) as ground for the performance of its activity and therefore it is of upmost importance for the whole University of Maribor.

Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia

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