Centre international de formation européenne - CIFE

Centre international de formation européenne - CIFE

CIFE is a private institution of higher education and research. Founded in 1954, it was among the first institutions offering interdisciplinary academic programmes on European integration. CIFE is based in Nice, Berlin, Brussels and Istanbul.

Top reasons to study here

  • Inspired by the European model: living together in peace, prosperity and with responsibility.
  • With an international team and decentralised structures.
  • With a federal concept of European education: “unity in diversity”.


CIFE is a private institution of higher education and research founded in 1954. The breadth of its geographic engagement and the variety of its academic programmes testify to CIFE’s major commitments: a confident, future-oriented vision of Europe, an innovative concept of teaching and an awareness of the challenges of a changing world.


Offering a lifelong European education has always been one of CIFE’s major concerns. Its Executive Master in EU Studies for professionals, who continue their studies while pursuing their career, attests to this commitment.

CIFE has been at the vanguard in developing digital higher education programmes since its creation in 2003 of one of the first qualifying online study programmes in European integration. The teaching methods are regularly updated to include ever more interactive formats. Practical workshops provide the students with the skills and competences needed on the job market: negotiation, intercultural awareness, project cycle management, and public speaking.


CIFE is an institute of high level academic teaching, on European and international relations, in politics, economy, social and cultural affairs, governance and federalism – all topical subjects for reflection and research, and CIFE is reinforcing its longstanding character as a think-tank in these fields. 

A CIFE research department has been put in place in 2014, and since then develops its activities around five pivotal fields:

  • Policy papers;
  • Annual Symposiums;
  • Research and publication projects;
  • Continuing publishing and reinforcing the academic quality of CIFE's quarterly, "L'Europe en formation";
  • Enlarging the academic and scientific network of CIFE.


The graduates of CIFE 's Master' s programs work as Senior officials in European institutions, policy officers within the UN framework, administrators, diplomats, consultants, researchers for think tanks, lobbyists, and academic experts.

Housing services

 CIFE strongly supports the mobility of its students: The participants in six of its Master programmes rotate each term, moving their place of study from France (Nice) to Germany (Berlin), Italy (Rome), United Kingdom (Canterbury), Turkey (Istanbul) or Tunisia (Tunis). Study trips to Brussels, Strasbourg, Luxembourg, and Leipzig offer additional insights into specific regional intricacies and challenges.


CIFE’s Alumni succeed in the professional world. The French state has recognised CIFE’s graduate programmes as a qualification of the Master level (level 7 EQF). This recognition demonstrates not only that the graduates of CIFE’s Master’s programmes are employable, but also that they are in employment. The accrediting body (CNCP) verifies that at least three quarters of CIFE’s graduates work in the professional field covered by the qualification.


Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

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