Everything you need to know about studying Public Law

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Public Law studies the constitution and laws that govern the interactions between individuals and the state, between different governmental branches, and between people who represent a direct concern to the state.

Public Law is a broad discipline that includes many specialisations, such as Tax Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, and Criminal Law.

Public Law ensures that public bodies — like the local government, for example — act lawfully and fairly, without breaching the rights of other authorities or citizens. When that happens, the plaintiff can use complaints procedures, appeal to a tribunal, or ask a different public body to review the initial decision.

Because it is a broad discipline, and you can choose from different Public Law branches, there is no standard or universally accepted curriculum. Still, you can expect to take classes in Legal Systems, Land Law, EU Law, Equity and Trusts, Contract and Tort Law, Legal Reasoning, International Law, Legal Skills, Public Policy, Business Law, etc.

Public Law graduates have career prospects as solicitors or lawyers and hold a stable job in a balanced environment, such as the state legal system.

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