Business & Law | University Info | 4 Online Courses in English -

Business & Law

Welcome to the Faculty of Business and Law - our mission statement is to provide an innovative and dynamic learning community that offers leading-edge degrees and, in collaboration with our external partners and stakeholders, strives to "make a difference" by creating new knowledge, preparing our students for global citizenship, and contributing to the progress of Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.


Our courses and degrees are cutting-edge and innovative, offering our students the opportunity to collaborate with business, government and the professions in work-integrated learning. All our degrees and majors ensure that our students are equipped with the work-ready skills, such as critical thinking and problem solving, teamwork and advanced communication skills, sought by employers. We expect all our students to be leaders and global citizens, with a commitment to making a difference to Australia and the world.

Our Bachelor of Commerce Accounting major has been jointly accredited by CPA Australia and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, and the Finance major meets the PS146 knowledge and skills requirements of the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC).

Bachelor of Business students who complete the Human Resource Management major are eligible to apply for membership of the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) and graduates completing the Marketing major can achieve accreditation with the Australian Market & Social Research Society (AM&SRS).

Law students completing the Bachelor of Laws/Diploma of Legal Practice are eligible to apply for admission to practise as a legal practitioner without further study, the only Law School in Australia that offers this programme.


Our academic staff are committed educators and researchers, offering cutting-edge courses and engaging in collaborative learning with our students. Many of our lecturers have previous business and legal experience, bringing real-world experience to their teaching.Richard Dunford.

It is a great honour to lead this progressive Faculty, which provides excellent career opportunities for you now and in the future.

On behalf of my colleagues, welcome to the Newcastle Law School and Newcastle Business School, and we wish you every success in your studies with us.

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