College of Education | University Info | 4 Online Courses in English -

College of Education

The College of Education endeavors to expand the knowledge of teaching and learning processes across a broad educational spectrum. The College fosters a culture of reflective practice and inquiry within a diverse community of students, faculty and staff. As part of a research-extensive university, the College advances knowledge through research. As part of a land grant institution, the College prepares professionals for a variety of roles in educational settings and community agencies and provides leadership in the improvement of the education, health, and well-being of citizens in the Commonwealth, the nation and the world.

Is the UK College of Education right for you? Are you looking for a college that values you as an individual? Do you want your professors to challenge you academically and be approachable outside of class? Would you like to make life-long friendships with people who share your dreams? Do you want to spend each day in your future profession making a difference?

In the College of Education , we work diligently with our students to discover how to turn their interests into successful careers. We invite you to explore this site and learn about the exceptional work occurring in the College of Education . We are always happy to share information about our programs, and we invite you to visit us at any time, virtually or in person.

When we focus on the root of who we are as a college, three words come to mind — inquire, innovate and inspire. Our students find numerous ways to do this through our degrees and programs. You might be surprised to learn not all are in PreK-12 and higher education fields. We also prepare health professionals, sports leaders, counseling psychologists, rehabilitation counselors, and instructional systems designers, to name just a few.

At UK, you will find a College of Education rich in tradition and focused on innovation and impact. Each of our graduates has a unique story to tell and continues to Inquire, Innovate and Inspire. We can’t wait to see how you expand your opportunities to make a difference in Kentucky and across the globe.

Join us and celebrate the joy of learning!

Distance Learning Courses

Education & Training (3)
Medicine & Health (2)
Humanities (1)

Lexington, Kentucky, United States

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