
Scotland's Rural College (SRUC)

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Distance Learning Courses


The creation of Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) took place in 2012 by merging SAC (the Scottish Agricultural College) with three respected partners (Barony, Elmwood and Oatridge Colleges).


Subject Areas:

  • Agriculture
  • Animal Care
  • Business
  • Professional Cookery
  • Animal Sciences
  • Biological Sciences
  • Conservation
  • Engineering
  • Environment
  • Equine & Horse Care
  • Forestry & Arboriculture
  • Garden Design
  • Golf
  • Horticulture
  • Landscaping
  • Poultry
  • Rural & Estate Skills
  • Sustainability
  • Agricultural and Renewable Technology
  • Veterinary Nursing


Research at SRUC is focused on rural, environmental and land-based activity and underpins our education and consultancy. Our work addresses health and productivity in animals, animal welfare and crops, promotes low carbon farming and increases farm output through efficiency and innovation.

Research at SRUC is focused on rural, environmental and land-based activity and underpins our education and consultancy. Our work addresses health and productivity in animals, animal welfare and crops, promotes low carbon farming and increases farm output through efficiency and innovation.

  • Animal & Veterinary Sciences 
  • Crop & Soil Systems 
  • Future Farming Systems 
  • Rural Economy, Environment & Society 


  • The courses offered at SRUC are very varied and open up a huge range of possible career avenues, from engineers to environmental consultants.
  • Our courses are designed with industry in mind and our tutors understand the workplace that their students are ultimately aiming for. So by taking a course at SRUC, you will be well prepared for what awaits once you have finished.
  • Take a look at the Lantra Scotland career pages for further inspiration and advice.

Student services

  • SRUC Students' Association is a student-led organisation here to ensure the best possible student experience for all those studying at SRUC.
  • Enhancing opportunities for students to further develop their student experience with effective communication, representation and engagement.

Housing services

  • SRUC has access to a range of accommodation available for students, either on campus, in arrangement with partner universities or in the local area. This includes Halls of Residence at some campuses.
  • New students are given priority for places in SRUC accommodation, and assistance is available to help students find accommodation in the private sector.

Library services

  • SRUC has libraries at Aberdeen, Ayr, Edinburgh, Barony, Elmwood and Oatridge campuses.
  • Each library has a full collection of books and journals focused on the subjects taught at that campus. You may borrow books and use the facilities at all campus libraries.  Access to electronic resources is also provided for staff and students.

ICT services

  • Welcome to the SRUC Information & Digital Systems (IDS) student info page. At SRUC we provide software and systems to assist you with your studies. We offer support through the Shared Service Desk. 
  • Eduroam is a free Wi-Fi service that is used by educational and research institutions all over the world. It allows students and staff to log in with the same details at any of them.

Medical services

  • Your physical and mental health should be one of your priorities whilst at College.
  • You are strongly recommended to register with a local medical practice and/or College Doctor, who can give help, advice and support on all health related matters including: Health promotion issues, Contraception, Alcohol, Drugs, HIV/AIDS issues, and Stress.

Campus life


  • Kings Buildings, Edinburgh
  • Riverside, Ayr
  • Barony, Dumfries
  • Craibstone Estate, Aberdeen
  • Elmwood, Cupar in Fife
  • Oatridge, West Lothian

Sports facilities

  • There are different sports facilities available at each SRUC campus, ranging from gym and fitness equipment to playing fields, golf courses and ridding paddocks.
  • The sports facilities available and information regarding when they are open and how they can be accessed can be identified for each campus from the links below.

Ayr, Scotland, United Kingdom

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