
International Telematic University UNINETTUNO

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With the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO you can study where you want and when you want. Eminent professors of the most important Italian and worldwide universities for an academic community of excellence.


UNINETTUNO takes origin from the training model of NETTUNO - Network per l’Università Ovunque, a consortium of 43 Italian and foreign universities with which, since 1992, thousands of Italian and foreign students obtained a distance university degree thanks to television and the Internet. 


The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, established on the 15th April 2005, delivers online first-cycle (bachelor) degrees, specialization degrees, research doctorates and university master’s degrees acknowledged in Italy, Europe and worldwide. With UNINETTUNO you can attend university at distance from anywhere following its courses 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thanks to its technological poles which are located in the whole national and international territory we support your educational and learning activities in each one of our faculties always assuring an excellent training standard. Ask our staff for further information or consult our educational offer.


The University research activities are aimed at developing studies on technology applied to learning process. They involve international-level scientists, expert in different disciplines (technologists, computer scientists, experts in various languages). This research work is based on a strong interaction among theoretical and experimental, pure and applied activities.

The results of these research activities allowed identifying new modes for realizing teaching-learning processes and by now have affected in significant way the theories concerning learning processes, teaching methodologies, distance interaction relations.



Student services

UNINETTUNO and ISIC (International Student identity Card), an international association supported by UNESCO, signed an agreement allowing UNINETTUNO students to have access to a global network of international students and easily and quickly enjoy a number of benefits in Italy and abroad.

Housing services

The most economical accommodation for the students, but usually not comfortable enough and thus not recommended for the long stays, is the dormitory.

Most of the Erasmus students live in shared flats with other students: this option usually represents the best compromise between comfort and price. Normally for these types of accommodation you can rent both single and double rooms. Currently, according to the city districts, type of room/flat, and available services, the cost of a bed accomodation is about €300-500. If you search for a more comfortable solution but also more expensive, it is possible to evaluate the possibility to rent a flat. 

Library services

The digitised videolessons are the starting-point of the learning process. Each digitised videolesson is structured into several issues and is indexed in order to enable the student to follow the whole videolesson or to select the issue he wants to study more depth. Each subject is linked in an hypertextual and multimedia way to essays, books, exercise texts, virtual libraries, lists of websites.

ICT services

Information services, to allow the student through the ICT tools the finding, in real time of all communication/information useful for the correct management of his/her university career both from an administrative and educational point of view, and the exercise of his/her own right of information and communication

Campus life

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is located in the centre of Rome, in a very tourist area and very close to several institutional offices (Senate, Chamber, Municipality, etc.). For this reason, it will be extremely difficult to find an accommodation at affordable prices next the University.

Student clubs

Community on-line. This space is born from an initiative of our University’s students and it is managed by them. This is a true “virtual platform” where students meet to talk, exchange ideas and information, share learning paths.


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