International School of Management | University Info | 2 Online Courses in English -

International School of Management

At UTCCiSM, we aim to be the Leading Business School in South East Asia. We provide truly international experiences where students from more than 40 countries pursue their business knowledge and education here. We have over 30 educational exchange partners and company networks.


“UTCC International College” was founded in 2010. As it grows with the time and widening the scope of its operations, in August 2019 university decided to change the name to UTCC – International School of Management (iSM). The iSM, runs International Program purely taught in English both at Undergraduate and Postgraduate Level.

Housing services

Dormitory search process

  • Select a location, look at the map and select a dormitory location. That appears as a number in the square on the map as needed, where blue is a dormitory, green is an apartment.
  • Explore the place. If students or those who want to rent accommodation want to see the room or explore places other than those shown on the website, they can travel to the desired dormitory by themselves. The route can be viewed from the map or Search for the name of the dormitory on Google Map.

ICT services

computer service office University of the Thai Chamber of Commercehas the main task of developing information technology systems and providing services for computer systems and network work within the university to be efficient in order to support being a leading university in hybrid learning

Medical services

Nursing room, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Under the Division of Student Activities and Welfare, Department of Student Activities University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Building 22, 1st floor, open for service in the field of first aid and treatment of primary illnesses by medical teams from leading hospitals and modern equipment.

Campus life

UTCC is ready to welcome all young traders with a 24-hour City Campus.

Providing a Digital Library, Business Learning Center, Relaxation Room, Leading Shops, Co-Working Space Coffee Shop, UTCC Fitness Center, UTCC Learning Space and the first UTCC eSports Lab in Southeast Asia.

Student clubs

The university also has clubs for students to do activities such as Cheer Club, International Music Club, Drama Club, Dance Club, Muslim Club, Rural Development Volunteer Club, eSports Club, etc.

Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

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