
Jaume I University

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The educational model of the UJI is based on ten principles: Integral development of students, promotion of ethics and social responsibility, commitment to development and social and territorial cohesion, cultivation of the research vocation, promotion of the internationalization, commitment to one’s own language and multilingualism, encouragement of the use of ICTs, continuous improvement of quality, promotion of employability and an intelligent entrepreneurial spirit, promotion of training throughout the life.


Universitat Jaume I (UJI) came into being as a higher education and research centre on 27 February 1991 to meet the unanimous social demand in the Castelló area. It was also the fruit of a tradition in education inherited from the Teacher Training studies at the old University College of Castelló (Col·legi Universitari de Castelló, CUC), which dated from 1969. In its first year, the ten lecturers at the CUC gave classes to 21 Science students and 85 from Philosophy and Arts. The CUC became part of the Universitat de València at the end of 1979.

Student services

We are a proactive public university with a firm focus on innovation in the international sphere. Around 10% of our postgraduate students come from abroad, and in the last academic year we welcomed more than 600 foreign students on exchange programmes. We have academic links with more than 300 universities across the world, former students and ambassadors in more than 60 countries and an ambitious internationalisation plan for the next years.

Housing services

This is a public on-line database designed to help members of the University community find accommodation. Run by InfoCampus, it serves as a meeting point for potential tenants and owners, who can use this service to advertise property they are willing to rent. The accommodation conditions and the rent contract must be agreed upon by the owner and the tenant.

The Universitat Jaume I cannot be held responsible for the state of the premises or the behaviour of the tenant. Under no circumstances whatsoever will the UJI respond to any complaints related to these matters.

Campus life

The Universitat Jaume I offers all its state-regulated instruction on its attractive modern campus, which was designed as a single unit in order to encourage close relationships among the members of its community.

The campus, covering 756,666 m2, has four faculties and many research and management buildings sited around a central 13,000 m2-garden, called ‘El Jardí dels Sentits’ (The Garden of the Senses).

It is a green, sustainable campus that promotes the use of renewable energies, with recycling points facilitating the recovery of materials.

Castelló de la Plana, Valencia, Spain

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