Founded in 1974, Paris School of Business is a school offering various programs from undergraduate programs (International Bachelor), to graduate programs (Master in Management “Programme Grande Ecole”), and post graduate programs (MSc, MBA, DBA).
Paris School of Business aims to be recognized internationally for the high quality of its programs, the quality of its graduates, and its willingness to meet the needs of business. Commitment to continuous quality improvement is an integral part of this vision.
Our academic philosophy revolves around 3 themes: Savoir (cognitive skills, i.e. knowledge and learning), Savoir-Faire (professional skills) and Savoir-Etre (social skills, i.e. emotional intelligence and leadership development)
Student services
- Community/Associative life is an integral part of our campus, helping students to get involved, create links and build large-scale projects. You can use these experiences in your CV. They can make a difference in your search for an internship, work placement or job.
- The associations are a great laboratory for our students to develop their ability to work in teams and to set up projects around their centres of interest.
- After having acquired a great deal of knowledge through the academic program, students have the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice in order to transform it into sustainable skills.
Library services
You will find many different sources of information made available for the students in order for them to deepen their work. Open all week, students can borrow books anytime and a special area is reserved for group work.
ICT services
Here you can make use of the 3D printers to develop your projects, print out prototypes and get your entrepreneurial ideas flowing! This is a collaborative work space, so to gain access you’ll need to do a short 3D printing training and then pass on your knowledge by training other interested students.
Campus life
- PSB Paris School of Business moved into the 1st Parisian Cluster Campus founded by Galileo Global Education and their partners from the Innovation Factory. The Campus site is near the Olympiades metro in the 13th arrondissement.
- One other school from Galileo have moved alongside PSB in the new campus : IICP and the Web School Factory. 3,000 students, 350 professors and staff, as well as 20 companies, start-ups and business incubators bring the 10000 m² premises to life.
Sports facilities
The BDS is the sports association of the Paris School of Business. Its aim is to enable those who wish to do so, to practice a sport, at reduced costs, while developing relationships. The BDS offers a wide variety of team and individual sports, and also supports student participation in outdoor sporting events such as inter-school tournaments.
It is not necessarily necessary to be a sportsman since there are administrative tasks (Creation of licences, Communication, Secretariat...) or the organisation of various events such as the ski seminar, entertainment and parties. The Sports Office of the Paris School of business is a complete association, each person can find his place.
Student clubs
The International Programs at PSB Paris School of Business have their very own Student Union made up of 3 execs voted in by the students, for the students.
As a PSB Paris School of Business student, you receive free membership to the Student Union and benefit from access to all that PSB Paris School of Business has to offer: activities, societies, sports and academic support.
- British AMBA accreditation, EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), AACSB