Everything you need to know about studying Biochemistry

part of Natural Sciences & Mathematics

Biochemistry is a multidisciplinary field, where Biology (the analysis of components of the cell) and Chemistry (the interaction between elements) are combined, in order to understand the processes taking place in living organisms and ways to optimise them as much as possible. The main fields of Biochemistry are Molecular Genetics, Protein Science, and Metabolism. Students will work with all forms of organisms, from human, to animal and microscopic.

Biochemistry degrees offer general courses in Microbiology and Immunology, General Biology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Biophysics, Cellular and Evolutionary Biology, and more.

Biodiversity students will be immersed in the world of science at its core, as they will understand exactly how the most important processes and phenomena in organisms work, and how they can use this knowledge to solve various deficiencies, from diseases to pest control, to human nutritional problems. You will study the processes happening in our cells, the ways in which cells communicate with each, and the interactions between proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids inside macromolecules.

Biochemistry graduates can find jobs in hospitals, universities, food institutes, drug recovery centres, or cosmetic laboratories. In time, students can develop to become clinical research associates, forensic scientists, toxicologists, analytical chemists, nanotechnologist, pharmacologists, and more.

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