Everything you need to know about studying Biology

part of Natural Sciences & Mathematics

Biology studies the origin, structure, function, and evolution of all living organisms, including plants, animals, and humans. Biology is also known as “the science of life” because it seeks to understand all the physiochemical relations and interactions between different life forms. There’s a significant overlap between Biology and other disciplines, like Chemistry, Physics, Medicine, and Geography.

Biology includes a wide range of branches and subdisciplines, such as Biochemistry, Genetics, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Microbiology, Ethology, and many others.

Biology allows us to discover amazing facts about our bodies, about ecosystems, and the natural balance between flora and fauna. For instance, did you know that your nose can smell 50,000 different scents? Or that the spiderweb is five times stronger than steel? This type of fascinating discoveries attracts students to Biology degrees.

A Biology curriculum varies from one country and university to another. But it generally includes subjects like Cell Structure and Function, Biodiversity, Genetics, Animal Behaviour, Microbes, Viruses and Parasites, Biostatistics, Field Ecology, etc.

Biology graduates enter a competitive employment market, where practical experience plays a major role. They are able to find jobs as higher education lecturers, pharmacologists, research scientists or science writers.

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